Sunday, July 14, 2013

Our Network Marketing Zone


A lot is being said about "attraction marketing" today in the Internet Marketing world. A basic definiton of "attraction marketing" might be this, "attraction marketing is doing certain things so that people come to YOU versus you seeking them out." I define "attraction marketing" as  "Zen marketing". Zen is an Eastern way of relating to Reality where things are accomplished without concentrated effort described in Zen as "wei wu wei". In most network marketing methods such as e-mail marketing or various advertsing systems we are going after or targeting prospects with concentrated effort and those methods can be quite effective. However in "attraction marketing" we are not seeking prospects as a priority but rather we are seeking to share ourselves as a knowledgable and caring business person through simply being fully engaged in networking with others.

When an athelete or artist is at the "top of their game" and involved in a "commanding performance" they are not really thinking about what they are doing, they are just fully engaged with doing what they are doing. It's like the sport, dance or painting takes over and they are "in a zone". Attraction marketing success occurs when an online marketer gets in a "zone" where your online and offline neworking just takes over and brings referrals and customers into your programs and income opportunities, without any concentrated effort on your part.

When we get into our networking "zone" the people we are looking for and are meant to be our business partners and customers will come to us. That's what "attraction marketing" is all about.

attraction marketing

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