Sunday, June 23, 2013

Twitter Decorum And Networking


Social media is still a new frontier for many marketers. With the emergence of what seems like an inordinate amount of social sites and tools, figuring out how to get started and ramp up your efforts with social media marketing can be confusing. So you’ve set up your Facebook page, Google+ page, and your Twitter profile…now what?

Here are 6 quick tips to set your organization up for social success:

1) Unless you are speaking directly to someone on Twitter, be sure to put a character before someone’s Twitter handle when tweeting at or about him/her.

2) Hashtags are your friend and your enemy.

3) Share other people’s content (OPC)!

4) Create lists to segment and enhance your relevance.

5) Repost your posts

6) Take LOTS of pictures

(Please read the full article)

There is a social media decorum that if honored will reap social media marketing rewards. In regards to Twitter that social media decorum  involves sharing other's content and being conversational. Believe it or not one can be conversational even in the extremely fast moving Twitter feed by the use of the "@" character and can extend the life  and increase the listing of your Tweets by the "#" character. Re-Tweeting other's Twitter posts get's their attention and help's share their value content with others. It is also appropriate to Re-Tweet some of your own posts if they are still relevant, again due to the fast moving Twitter feed. Creating and subscribing to Twitter lists enable you to target various keywords, brands and personalities. Following Twitter decorum can mean greater effectiveness with Twitter networking.

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