Monday, September 9, 2013

The Social Media Marketing Mindset

So “What’s the biggest challenge or frustration you are having with social media marketing “Right Now ?

Here are 15 that I have recently heard.

  1. Turning followers into customers

  2. How to make money using social media marketing

  3. Getting followers or friends on Twitter or Facebook

  4. Getting subscribers to your blog

  5. Getting traffic to your website, blog or Facebook page

  6. Creating  good quality online videos

  7. How to create the best type of Facebook page or set up a blog

  8. Choosing the right social media channels to use

  9. How best to use and optimize the social media platforms such as LinkedIn and YouTube

  10. How to use social media marketing to get great PR for my company

  11. Creating positive noise and Buzz about your brand on social media

  12. Managing your time and productivity

  13. Creating content

  14. Finding high quality social media marketing training and resources

  15. Coming up with creative ideas for your social media marketing campaigns

(Please read the full article)

Social media marketing is very challenging. Joining the various social media sites while building up "followers", "friends" or "associates" takes time and effort. However that is just the beginning. Now it becomes necessary to post quality content and build relationships. Many social site profiles are a complete website functioning literally as an online "business card", "portfolio" or "resume".

It helps to have the right social media marketing mindset to truly be successful with SMM. This mindset can be summed up as the intent to share what you are passionate about and the intent to find others who share the same passion, which necessitates truly looking at what others have to share. All the other aspects of social media marketing  will "align with the stars" when we have the right social media marketing mindset. Being sociable while sharing your passion is the essence of social media marketing.

(IBOtoolbox and it's sister sites is a great place to do social media marketing. With the right mindset, time and effort you can find just the right people for your MLM home business.)

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