Sunday, August 4, 2013

For Shoppers With Gaming Blood


   Is the penny auction business model a scam? By participating in a penny auction are you gambling? These are valid questions to ask if one is considering trying their hand in a penny auction.

  Penny auctions are no different than any other business models when it comes to being fraudulent. Some penny auctions have used human or program bot "shills" to place bids that drive the price up for the auctioned item. There are penny auctions that are "scams" but is the penny auction business model itself inherently a "scam"?

   There is no disputing the fact that the winner of a penny auction does literally pay "pennies on the dollar" for the item won, even win the actual cost of the bids is figured in. ( An item won for $2.60 is really more than that if the bids cost say .60 a piece.)

   However penny auctions are "winner takes all" contests thus if you didn't win the auction you lose the money paid for your bids placed in the auction, thus the penny auction itself make a profit despite the low cost to the penny auction winner. It is appropriate and necessary for any business to make a profit. Penny auction operators are no different than any other business operator.

  Some will view this type of auction as a form of gambling, though there is no chance involved with winning. Winning a penny auction requires a real strategy. However if you feel that penny auctions are  form of gambling then by all means avoid them.

 Many view penny auctions as a form of "entertainment shopping" for those with a competitive streak and are good sportsmen when they lose an auction. Good penny auctions offer some form of remuneration for lost bids sometimes even returning lost bids on select items. (However no penny auction could continue operations if all bids were returned on every auction).

  If penny auctions sound like something you would like to try then I invite to try PriceBenders, the penny auction for the e-commerce site, PriceBenders is a very transparent and honest penny auction offering full disclosure of all items auctioned, free shipping for all items won and redeemable reward points awarded for all lost bids, making PriceBenders the "can't completely lose" penny auction for the discount shopper with "gaming" blood in them  and that's really what penny auctions are all about.

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