Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Being Nice Matters


Since social media is, well, a social medium, it’s important that users understand the proper ways to behave online. No, just because you’re behind a computer monitor in your mom’s basement doesn’t mean all social etiquette goes out the window. It’s quite the opposite—following proper social media etiquette is a key to being successful online (and to making sure you don’t make a complete idiot out of yourself.)

1. Give More than You Receive

2. Don’t be a Keyboard Gangsta

3. Add Value to the Site

4. Remember that Cheaters Never Win

5. Build Quality Relationships

6. Stop Pushing the Envelope

7. Respect the Community

8. Listen to Others

9. Be Accountable for Your Actions

10. Be Nice

(Please read the full article)

  There is an etiquette to social media marketing. Just because of the anonymity of the Internet there is no excuse for rudeness or poor quality content. The marketers that I am drawn to and respect are really nice people who offer me something of real value every time I come across them in cyberspace. These marketers are also the kind of people I would love to share a cup of coffee or a can of beer with if I could meet them face to face. Being nice matters in social media marketing.

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