Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Go With What You Have


Success isn’t about having the best plans – it’s about execution.
  • It’s about getting out there and actually doing some damned thing, getting some result and then deciding what to do next based on what you’ve just experienced.
  • It’s about delivering products and services – in all their imperfect glory - to whoever is ready for them, and then letting the rest of the world watch you grow.
  • It’s about letting go of the fear of looking stupid in front of people and taking your chances – and knowing that whether you fall on your face or cross the finish line, all the people you worried about failing in front of are wishing they had your guts.
  • It’s about saying “This is what I have to offer right now - and if you don’t want it, that’s fine.”  People who aren’t ready for you (or who you aren’t ready to serve) will still be there after you get done serving all the people who need you now.
An “okay” plan executed today beats a perfect plan that you’ll get around to a year from now.
Take action.  As soon as possible.

(Please read the full article)

   I discovered a long time ago that trying to be perfect slows you down.  Waiting until things are just right before you start a project usually means the project never gets off the ground. Online marketing is a very competitive project in all it's forms whether it is blogging, affiliate marketing, direct sales or MLM. Go with what you have with plans for improvement and the determination to execute those plans with the overriding desire to bring value and service to others. Success will follow if you go with what you have.

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