Saturday, April 27, 2013

Remarkable Is Consistency.

Spend anytime on social media or marketing blogs and you’ll to see advice to make remarkable content. Yes. Be remarkable and you will stand out in your social media marketing.

Ah. Yes. Remarkable. Let’s do that.

Where did I put the recipe for “Remarkable”?

Creating remarkable content is sort of like saying “just make it go viral.” In other words, not at all helpful.

Thanks to the democratization of publishing that the internet has created, according to Eric Schmidt Google CEO, we’re creating more content per day than we did throughout human history up through 2003. Let’s face it. Creating “Remarkable” and “Viral” require the ability to tap into the zeitgeist of the moment, by luck or by speed and with the sheer amount of information out there, how do you stand out in social media marketing?

Is this a post encouraging you to abandon remarkable? Never.

Stand Out in Social Media Marketing by Being Consistently Remarkable image tortoise turtle 300x1991But consider approaching your content from a different perspective. A million drops in the bucket maybe better than an overwhelming deluge which can’t be managed. Deluges are exciting. Consistency plods along getting results. Forget flash. Slow and steady wins the race.

The truth is, with the fast pace of digital marketing, including social media, there is something remarkable about consistency. Consistency is incredibly challenging. Ever talk to a blogger about their blogging frequency? How about a social media manager about tweeting on the weekends? Here’s another analogy: what’s harder, one hit song or a lifetime of hit songs? Exactly


There are remarkable press releases being written here on IBOtoolbox and there are remarkable press release writers here on IBOtoolbox. The difference between the two types of remarkable is consistency. Consistent quality content is much more remarkable than occasional quality content.
There are those here on IBOtoolbox that I simply cannot pass up reading their press releases because of their consistent quality content, I.e. remarkable content. Just remember, remarkable is consistency.                

"We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace" (Jim Rohn)

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